Thursday, December 18, 2008

Tiny Trees Can Be Cute Too!

Well Darin finally gave in and let us get a tree! A very small, cheap tree. But it is a tree. So it feels a  little more like Christmas! Darin went to play basketball and Avery was in bed so I just couldn't wait any longer. I got it out and Cooper was so excited. This has been the first year that he has really showed interest. He loved getting to put the tree together and decorate it. I was fine with him helping on putting the tree up, but did not really approve of the decorating skills.

Don't you love how most of the decorations are all on the bottom?
He was so proud of how it decorated though!
What a great present under our tree!


Jenny said...

Cooper is so cute! You can tell he loved putting the tree together and decorating it himself. The last picture is just precious. He has the best smile!

Unknown said...

I love your tree. It's the prettiest tree that I have ever seen. I wish I had the same present under my tree. Love, Nana