Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Many Milestones..........

This girl is on the move! It seems like the same day that she started crawling she started pulling up as well. She gets all over the house and into everything!
I caught her playing with the DVD player.
She loves buttons!
Look mom....... ONE HAND!
She even started using her first sippy cup. She thought she was such a big girl.
Slow down "peanut," you are growing WAY TO FAST!

Here are a few videos for you.
The first one is her laughing so loud. That is one of my favorite things is hearing children laughing. Such a sweet sound.
The second one is her pulling up on the stairs.
Then the last one is her crawling and then going up the step.

Baby girl we are so proud of how hard you work and how determined you are to get going and wanting to do the same things your brother and sister do.

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