Friday, June 11, 2010

Profession Day and Parties

Whew! What a day.
We started off with Cooper going to school for his "who he wants to be when he is older" day! So we gathered up some camouflage pants and told him he wanted to be a soldier. He really didn't know what he wanted to be so he was fine with this since he got to wear his binoculars. He had a sword but as you can tell in the picture he already wounded himself before we could even leave the house so he had to leave that in the van.
What a handsome soldier! We didn't have any black paint and I don't wear makeup but I did have some dark gray eyeshadow so we used that to make him look "tough". It had glitter in it so he wasn't too tough ;)
Cooper and his other best friend in his class, Gracielle.
Cooper was so excited to see that Santiago was a soldier just like him.
After the school we ate some lunch and then got ready for Hannah's birthday party.
Avery was so excited that she actually let us take a good picture of her.
Gracielle loves Avery and always tries to help her at all the birthday parties.
Once Avery got up there she didn't know if she could really trust daddy to catch her. When she did it we then couldn't get her to stop. She LOVED it!
Hannah's piñata was Mario. Her favorite princess is Peach so the them of her party was Mario Brothers.
When Coop started swinging at him he had already lost his head. He did such a good job. I think he is finally getting use to everyone yelling and screaming as they wack the piñata.
Avery made a little friend while we were there.

Cooper in his buddies. Hannah (the one to the left of Cooper) was the birthday girl. She had her hair curled at the bottom and walked around in her Princess Peach dress. She was so adorable. At the beginning she also had little heels and long white gloves on. I didn't get her picture in time before she got rid of all that stuff that was getting in her way of playing!
The last party started at 4 and then we had to rush to our ministry site that starts at 7. At 9 the adult bible study starts and they wanted to have a party for the people that had birthdays in May. So here is a pic of our adult bible study. It has grown so much since we first got here!
The birthdays included: Darin, Becky and our Pastor, Pastor Antonio. They are suppose to be blowing out the candles. Wake Up Darin! Or is Darin still trying to make a wish?
Needless to say it was a very long day but such a blessing. We didn't get home until around 11 that night and our kids crashed. We have been so blessed with so many people that just love on us here!
Thank you Lord!

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