Thursday, May 21, 2009

First Day at the Beach!

This was a few weeks ago but am hoping to get this posted as soon as I can so I can remember what all happened. Cooper loved the pool. He was so excited to play in the water again. As long as no one was splashing him :)
Cooper did jump in the pool to Daddy quite a few times. He even went under about three times and then just quit. Didn't even jump to Darin anymore after that. He is such a crazy kid. You just can't read him.
You will never know what he is thinking but he sure is the cutest thing.
Little Avery loved the water as well. She is somewhat opposite of Cooper though. She likes it on her head and loves to splash! Cooper gets very upset when she splashes him. But she just thinks it is hilarious.
Mom was enjoying herself. She was just so happy to be with Cooper. Can you tell?
Just another cute shot of our "Princess"
This is one of my favorite pictures. It isn't posed at all. Just totally candid. They are both so happy. I just love the "real" smiles.
What a precious little boy!
He was so worn out from all the swimming. He didn't even wake up for supper. But........................
then there is Avery. Who is such a trooper and does not pass up a meal. Eating is her favorite thing to do.
Day 2 pictures will be up soon so stay posted!

1 comment:

melissa said...

Hey, the kids are too cute,,,Avery is starting to look like one of mine in all that blonde hair !!! ha ha...Emma Grace's hair is the same color now too....dont forget to check out my blog, and leave a 4 you all...melissa