Friday, August 28, 2009

Prayers are Needed.......

Oh how we love our Wild Man Coop!
But we are just asking for prayer. He is going through a really horrible stage of just not wanting to obey or listen at all. It is so hard and frustrating. I feel like we are constantly getting on him. Please just pray that Cooper will get an obedient heart and that the Lord will just give us patience with this time. We know everything he does know that Avery is always watching and really want to put a stop to it now. So please pray for us to not only have patience but wisdom. Also if you all have any encouraging words they are very well needed.
Here are a few cute pics of our boy because he is a huge blessing from the Lord to us!

Thank you all for your time and prayers and any encouragement you can give!


Amanda said...

He is so stinkin cute!!! We went through the same thing with Jared and it seemed like he would never stop disobeying. We had to be consistent with our discipline. He WILL pass this stage!! I will be praying for you all!!

Unknown said...

This is Papaw Paul: Cooper you are the greatest! I enjoyed skyping with you the other night.
Avery Too! You all have a blessed week and Nana and me love you.

hlh120283 said...

We are goin through the same thing right now with Jackson. Sometimes I just wanna cry I get so frustrated. We'll be praying for our little buddy Cooper. We love him so much! Know that I am thinking of you, and that I TOTALY understand! Love, Heidi

Jill said...

Oh, Katie! I'm with ya, girl! This has been a struggle for us, too. We adore Ryann but she can be super disobedient and even disrespectful. I also struggle with my reaction to her disobedience. I am lately asking the Lord for patience in dealing with her lovingly but firmly and without yelling! I sometimes feel like in some ways I'm failing at the only "job" i have at this point in my life, but I know that isn't from the Lord. Anyway, I'll be praying the same for you and little Cooper. Hope all is well.