Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Flag Day/Mother's Day Celebration

Cooper's school had Flag Day. They have it pretty often but each class takes turn doing other activities during Flag Day. This time was Cooper's class so all the parents from his class got invited to come and watch.
The older students started out with the salute of the flag and them marching.
They also had the younger kids marching with the American flag. For some reason Cooper just thought it was hilarious.
Here is Cooper and the boys in his class singing a song to all the mommies for Mother's Day!
After the song they all ran over to give the mother's the card they had made for them. I was so excited. It was the first card I have gotten. Homemade that is. It meant so much! I will definitely keep this one since it is the first one. Maybe next Mother's Day I will have arms :) Just kidding Cooper..... I LOVE my card!
After that his class then did a traditional dance. It was so adorable.
Cooper did so good. If you watch the video you can even see him spin his girl around and everything. He couldn't stop smiling. I think he was a little nervous.
Cooper and his good friend Rachel. Rachel loves Cooper and her mom loves him even more. Her mom wanted a picture of them together and she even got Cooper to put his arm around her. It was so funny! I know how I seem now with Cooper and Lily Bug! That is a little different though. Because Cooper and Lily really are getting married. Me and Nikki have already decided. That is it.
Then their class had prayer time. It was so sweet to see all those adorable little children with heads bowed.
Here is our little cowboy. They were suppose to dress "Mexicanish" but all we had really was the cowboy hat and then since green, red and white are the colors we thought a green shirt would be sufficient. I believe he looks pretty adorable.
Cooper with his sweet friends Hannah and Hanniah. I love the girls traditional wear. Aren't they just adorable little dresses?
Cooper's class.
Here is the short little video of Cooper dancing. I couldn't get all of it because my card was full. So I had to turn it off and delete some pictures. By the time I got some deleted the dance was over. You get to see the good parts though :)
Thanks for letting us come to your school Cooper and watching you sing and dance. I also LOVE the card you made me. You have set your standards pretty high for next year :) I can't wait to see another Flag Day.

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