Friday, June 5, 2009

Last Day of Punta Leona

When we went to the pool right after breakfast we found some crabs in it. They were all dead of course from the chlorine, but I guess they just found there way up there from the beach. Darin got about a total of five crabs and Cooper thought it was so interesting!
Baga and Avery staying somewhat in the shade!
My beautiful blonde haired baby! Seriously? Where did that blonde hair come from?
She could stay in the pool all day! That pool was perfect too. She could just walk around the entire thing. It was incredible.
A little family shot. I know, Darin doesn't always wear a shirt but his shoulders and back were almost as red as those crabs. Poor guy :(
This was our last day. I just put the last two days on one blog because we didn't have many pictures. But this is breakfast and Avery was so distracted from the ton on monkeys that were running around. Cooper included!
Mom tried taking about 20 pictures of this monkey and her baby! So mom, here it is!
Darin took Cooper to the pool for one last swim while mom, Avery and I did some resting! Aren't they just adorable? Avery was starting to really get use to her Baga.
We had a great time at the beach but it was time to go back to reality.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

You have such a beautiful family! You look great, Katie! I especially love the picture of your Mom and Avery snuggling together while they are sleeping. It is precious!