Sunday, December 27, 2009

We were so surprised when Darin's small group asked if they could have a baby shower for me at our house. We thought it was so sweet of them and were so excited that Darin's parents would also be there with us to enjoy all the excitement. After singing some songs and reading some scriptures they went straight into some games. We didn't take pictures of the other things but them remembered to get the camera out during the games. This game was hilarious! You had to take the clothes pins, while blindfolded, and place them on the person in front of you.
Here is Nacho and his grandson Pepe playing against each other.

Here is Pepe getting Darin ready for the battle against our Pastor Antonio!
They were both laughing so hard that they could hardly play. Darin would want me to let you know though that he did win!
I guess I pinched Marta a little to hard!
Don't worry, she got me back as she stuck all of them in my hair.
It really was a hilarious game to watch!
I know the picture of me is horrible but I wanted to show this sweet blanked that one of the ladies made for me.
She loved on Ashlyn. She is also expecting her first baby in January. We are hoping to make it back before she delivers!
Here is the gang! Darin's parents are there in the middle with me! They really seemed to enjoy the baby shower. They even played the pictionary game. They weren't scared to jump in there at all. It was so sweet that the Lord let Paul meet our mexican family. They also were able to be showered with love from Paul. He made all of them feel so important to him and he showed so much interest. We just give God all the glory for allowing us that time with him and are looking to upcoming trips of Phyllis coming to visit us. I know our mexican family would love to see her as much as we would!
Here is Avery after the late night. Everyone left around 11:30. I think Papaw and Nana were just as worn out as the kids. But we were also so pumped with excitement from all the cake and hot chocolate.
Here is Coop and one of his many poses!
Then little baby Ashlyn!
What a way to celebrate her life. With great friends and family!

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