Saturday, January 2, 2010

Nana meets Lincoln

We all went to pick Cooper up from school and he was so excited to show Nana his friends, teacher and his classroom. Lincoln is a private school but it mostly Mexicans. Cooper is the only "gringo" in his class.
Here is Cooper and his best friend Emiliano. Emiliano likes to let Coop try his food at lunch and then Cooper has to refill his water because Emiliano likes everything hot.
Here is Ms. Patty the most incredible teacher. She has to be with a gang like she has. We pray for her very often!
Here is Coop with his Nana! He was so excited for his Nana to meet everyone. It was so cute seeing him with so much excitement.
Here is the gang of boys. Minus Emiliano, he was sweeping.
Cooper and one of his friends, Luna.
Then there is Hannah, his favorite girl to play with. I think she plays like one of the boys is why Coop enjoys playing with her so much. Ms Patty said these two and Emiliano is the inseparable trio.
Me with my little man. When you have your first child and people say to watch out that they grow up fast, you just really don't believe them. But now I do understand what they were trying to tell me. You truly have to cherish every moment.
Nana had to take a picture of her little man as well driving the big tank!
After we picked Cooper up we went to the Haynes for a meeting and some fellowship with the team.
I think this is a wonderful picture of Becky and Sus!
Nana and little Avery. Can you tell she is worn out? I was talking about Avery not Nana!
Just another wonderful day with Papaw and Nana!

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