Monday, January 4, 2010

Blessed With Showers.........

I was so blessed to have another baby shower! Every Thursday morning I have a women's bible study. It is all missionaries from different agencies, different missions and different goals. The one thing that we all do have in common though is that we are all white people living in Mexico!
This is a pic of Avery sleeping in her stroller. While me, Nana and Ashlyn were at the shower; Darin and Paul went walking through the neighborhood and across the street to meet Poco and his family. Paul was so excited to tell us all about people he got to meet and them fixing him coffee and stuff! He was so filled with excitement it was too adorable to hear him just talking about everything he experienced on his walk and meeting some of our friends.
Becky helped me with writing down what I got and from who. It is also the only picture I have of her there at the shower. Sorry Becky!

All the pictures were of the girls or should I say women in the small group. I have been so blessed by each of these women. Getting to be apart of this small group has been so incredible. You can get so drained being on the mission field or anywhere. Just trying to seek the Lord's will can be tiresome. But only he can fill you up but can use others to encourage you with their words. Thank you ladies! I love you all so much and can't wait for another study to start!
It was also so sweet that Phyllis got to meet these ladies as well. I think her just knowing how blessed me and Darin are with such great people around us really helps her with us being away from family! I know the ladies loved her just as much as I do. Well maybe not that much but still they loved our Phi Phi!

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