Wednesday, March 3, 2010


We were so excited to get out of the house again and show the Lambert's the Guadalajara Zoo. Kenzli's favorite thing is birds and boy this place is packed with all kinds of different birds. First thing you see are the flamingos!
Finally, a descent picture of the 3 kiddos!
Boys will be Boys!

Here is another bird. Not sure if it was really suppose to be in a cage BUT it wasn't. Made me a little nervous. It was funny seeing Sam doing spirit fingers at it though.

I love how Cooper tries to explain the animals to Avery!
Oh the life, walking around seeing different animals while eating some popcorn. Who wouldn't enjoy that?
Attempt on a family pic! The Lambert's pic was really cute but it is on their camera. I should have got it from them before the left :(
Darin really? He cracks me up!
It seriously eyed Avery and Kenzli down the entire time. I guess the were the perfect size. Avery loved starring at him while Cooper wouldn't even get close.
Me and my big boy! I can't believe how old he is starting to look AND get :(
Diaper changing time. First up is Darin with Avery...........
................ then there is Sam with Kenzli!
Oh how we love the safari ride. Here is Sam and Kenzli feeding the giraffe.
I don't think Kenzli was done feeding the giraffe.
Here is Sam helping Avery feed the giraffe. She was a little hesitant but Sam forced her ;) Just kidding Sam!

We had so much fun going to the zoo. I know Cooper did because, well, don't tell but we let him skip school. We had an awesome time getting to spend another day with the Lambert's.

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