Friday, October 16, 2009

Ooooohhhhhh OREO

She loves to eat all by herself. I hope she learns to eat better when she gets older or she won't ever get to go on a date ;)
She isn't sure why daddy won't give her any sugar. Look at her daddy, she is puckering up for you to give her a kiss!
It is never just a mess on her, it is on everything!
What's wrong? Why are you taking my picture? Do I have something on my face?
Still our little princess!
We love our little messy girl! And boy does she love Oreo's!

1 comment:

melissa said...

I love the messy ones!! they make the best pics,dont they...Thank you, Katie, for writing on my blogpost about my 3 kids...I wish I could say it was just on a whim, of course I always feel that way about them, but the post was meant for me to be somewhat therapeutic...I actually had a miscarriage this week, the pregnancy was a surprise, so thats why it was so sad too, I had gotten excited thinking God was going to bless us w/4 instead of 3...but Im slowing remembering, my God's timing is PERFECT...This has put things into perspective for us...We are praying to see what God wants now....please pray for us this week, Russ was going next week to have a vasectomy done, before all this happened...We love you guys, and cant wait til baby gets here!!! Blessings for a safe delivery!!!Love, Melissa