Monday, October 26, 2009

Our Newest Blessing

Well....... what a story. I can tell you delivering in another country is definitely different.
We were suppose to have an appointment on Friday but somehow got the time or something mixed up so we missed it. I had been very dizzy that day and the day before so the doctor said for me to come in and see her on Saturday. So we all went to the appointment to hear her say that I was at 2cm and contracting. So she sent me home to get my stuff and get the kids packed and over to the Haynes house and then to meet her right back at the hospital. So we got to the hospital around 3:00 or so. They put me on some fluids and then "prepped me!" I was told by Darin's mom that is how it was for her when she delivered. So as soon as I saw bandages, a razor and an enema I was terrified. But the Lord got me through it. Around 8pm I was at 5cm and she broke my water. Around 8:15 I got the epidural and around 8:45 I was feeling major pressure like I had never felt before. So Becky gets the doc, she checks me and says yes it is time. So in run some people roll me onto another table and take me up this ramp into a room that is only a little bigger then two beds. There is rollers in between the two beds to transfer me yet again. I felt like I was a cafeteria tray getting rolled across. Then there is a gentleman at the head of me that takes me to another room with all these bright spot lights to roll me onto yet another bed. But then around 9:15 little Ashlyn entered the world.
This is me and D waiting for the arrival of little Ashlyn.
Becky was such a trooper staying there with us the entire time helping us understand everything that was going on!
Here is Little Ashlyn right after delivery!

We were so excited but little did I know that they were going to take her away from me. I would have held on even longer.
Here she is with Daddy get weighed. She weighed right at 6 pounds! Just like her brother Cooper did. She even looks just like him. Hope that doesn't mean she is also going to act like him ;)
Darin said she was so alert and looking around at everything.
They put her in a little incubator that helps regulate her temperature. Then after three hours they give her some kind of drink. Then they have to give her formula twice after that. I guess to see if she is eating alright. I don't know. It was very strange. But I did not get to see her until
11 am the next morning. Talking about hard. I was not use to that at all. Any nursing mom especially would have a hard time with that. Really, any mom would have a hard time with not seeing their baby for so long. So is how it is done here in Mexico though. Just different!
Can you tell Daddy loves his new little girl?
Darin was such a huge help. It was hard not having the family there but Darin really stepped up to the plate and treated me like a queen. He was incredible!
Not sure what this face is about. I was told though that Darin always made a face similar to this.
Such a beautiful blessing from the Lord!
Aunt Becky finally got to hold her. We really could not thank her enough for all that she did during this crazy, chaotic, beautiful and wonderful time in our life.
Here is Lil' Bit in her big sister's car seat. We are borrowing an infant car seat from some other missionaries from here but just weren't planning on needing it then. So we had to use this one that is also for infants but just looks a little odd.
The Haynes brought Cooper and Avery home so they could all meet baby Ashlyn! Bowden was having to keep his guard up having all three of them!
Landri was amazing! Avery was still trying to figure out if she was real or a baby doll.
Susie just looks like a natural!
We are so blessed with some great babysitters!
What a proud big brother. He is more interested now then he was with Avery. I think just him being older and being able to help out more makes him excited.
We are so excited to be home with all three of our little blessings!
Thank you Lord for the healthcare provided, the health of our beautiful baby girl and transition of the family.


Jenny said...

Congratulations to you and your sweet family! Ashlyn is a beautiful blessing from the LORD. Thank you for sharing this special time with us. We are praying for you. Love you!

Aaron said...

Well we are so glad it all worked out! We are so excited for you all. Your story was cracking me up! Thanks for the update and the pictures. We will be praying for your recovery and transition!
Love the Jones'

Preach and Heal said...

What beautiful photos. Felicidades!

melissa said...

OHH PRAISE GOD!!! She is perfect Katie!! This perfect little replica baby doll of your other two!....Congrats to both of you......I cant believe you couldnt see her THAT long!! From one nursing mom to another....OUCH!!..Love you, cant wait to see you again!!!

Stephanie said...

Your family is so beautiful and I am a little jealous that you are serving the Lord in Mexico, I just love it there! But congrats on the new bundel of love!