Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Next Ninja OR Mr. Clean?

Here is a few pics of Cooper being SpiderMan..........

................. but then here are some videos of him being a "ninja" with a dustpan! The 1st video he knows I am taping him but the 2nd one he did not know that I was watching him nor taping him. . I love the 2nd video. He does his thing and then you can hear him telling Avery to go and say "Hay Ya" but she just picks up the broom walks over, says it and then walks back to gently place her broom back down. Then Cooper does his thing again and at the end of it he does a "pose" that is hilarious! He only holds it for a second so you have to really watch for it! God made girls and boys so different and I LOVE IT! Avery does start picking her nose though. So that they do have in common ;)
(Sorry for the clicking noise, I was recording with my camera so it was trying to focus.)
I love my family so much and thank the Lord for them!
I love getting to capture little funny random memories like these!

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